Aug 27, 2021 - Sep 30, 2021
All Day
We believe that authentic life change can and does happen within the context of a small group. Our groups exist to create healthy communities that produce disciples who make disciples.
What is a Group?
Groups consist of a smaller group of people intentionally gathering together with purpose. They facilitate a group of people that get together each week in order to fellowship, study, learn, have fun, meet new people, and pray.
Why Groups?
Our groups exist to create healthy communities that produce disciples who make disciples.
Groups are one of the best ways to get connected and grow at CCWC. We believe that true life-change happens in the context of community. We’re not made to do life alone. We need each other. Life is better when we’re connected. Because of this truth it is our desire not to settle as a church “with” small groups, but instead to become a church “of” small groups.
Our groups come in all shapes and sizes, and we have a group for every age and stage of life. Groups are for everyone!
Our Model for Groups
3 Ways to Get Involved!
- Community Groups
- Study Groups
- Recreation and Service Groups
If you would like to view the list of classes and a description of each class, click on this link: Groups Information.