He is STILL Risen!
We serve an Amazing God, a God that chose to humbly come into our darkness and bring new life to all people! He chose to die so that we might live!
On Easter, we celebrated the pinnacle of Jesus’ mission on earth, His resurrection! His resurrection beat death and reconciled sin. Furthermore, Easter was an amazing day in the life of our church. Sunrise service, breakfast, and two additional worship services ushered in a wonderful time of fellowship with one another, worship of our God, and spiritual transformation to all who would receive it. We were once again blessed by His presence!
It is interesting now that the celebration of Easter is over that many have no idea what to do. In fact, many are even content to simply return to their, “regularly scheduled program.” However, the celebration of Easter is not meant to be experienced in a vacuum; instead it is to exist as an integral piece of a life of holiness.
So you might ask, “If Easter Sunday is not the end, what do we do now?” “It is obvious that Jesus is not physically walking around the globe any longer, so what hope do we have?”
We will kickoff a new series, “RE-New; Beyond Easter, Now What?” We will study what took place after the ascension of Jesus, and what our mission and purpose looks like moving forward.
For everyone who celebrated the resurrection, God has more in store for you! I invite you to join us for the next six weeks as we explore what Jesus came for and how it can have a great impact on our lives; here and for eternity.
I hope and pray that this will be a formative season for you and yours!
God bless,
Pastor Steve Warner