“Revival Starts Here!” Currently we are walking through a series that recognizes and affirms the reality that revival does start “here.” Not in this newsletter, not necessarily “here” at CCWC, but revival starts within the heart of an individual. If we want to experience a move of God, we must offer ourselves in full surrender to Him.
In this series we will recognize and explore the concept that if we want to experience true revival we need to invite God to do a work within our own heart first. God is ultimately in control and He can do anything, but He does not barge His way in, He awaits permission. Often that permission comes through our selfless actions of surrender, renewal, or repentance.
Each week we are studying a historical account of “revival” narrated and detailed in Scripture. We are exploring different “revivals” each Sunday and detailing what actions and attitudes brought on these life-changing events. We have explored Jacob’s revival through full-surrender and Joshua’s revival through renewal, but this week we will study Samuel’s revival through repentance. Ultimately, there is much we can learn and celebrate from these revivals, but there is also a great deal to apply.
Let me invite you and your family to join us as we explore the Biblically recorded movements of God, and how they still impact us today!