We are on the precipice of a new season at CCWC! God has been at work and there are more life-changing moments ahead! This Fall holds some amazing days and celebrations; from the kickoff of a new series All in the Family this Sunday, to the start of the new small groups of Community Collective, to our 90th Anniversary this October, God has big things in store!
As we embark on this new season may we do so with great anticipation of what God will do, practicing the Spiritual Disciplines we studied this Summer while engaging in Christlike, Godly relationships the Fall. This series, All in the Family will facilitate an intentional exploration of the family and friend relationships within the context of Scripture, as to empower our local Family of God.
I encourage you to make it a priority to attend every week of our Fall All in the Family series, allowing His Word to speak and responding as He leads. God chose for the inhabitants of His creation to live in harmony and edification of one another. While Scripture records both good examples of how to “get along” and examples of relationships gone wrong, we will explore them both with the desire to glean God’s truth and put it into practice. To love God and love people. And to make disciples who make disciples.
I also encourage you to join a small group this Fall. We have several different types of groups in which you can be involved, including a new initiative; Community Collective or “CC Groups.” These groups will meet around tables in the worship center in groups of 6 to 8 adults. Topics will vary, but generally include a video study and/or special speaker, as well as a personally facilitated group discussion at each table. Our heart is that all people would grow in their walk by engaging in ONE BIG worship service, ONE SMALL group, and ONE SERVICE opportunity. This could be your ONE SMALL!
Join us each Sunday morning as we explore the family of God and Sunday evening around a table as we grow together in discipleship.
If you have missed some of our services, or if you plan to be out of town in the coming months be sure to join us virtually by clicking this link: CCWC Worship Service LiveStream.
God bless you all!
In His Service,
Pastor Steve