We Serve a God Who Keeps His Promises!
“The Lord is faithful to ALL His promises and loving toward ALL He has made” Psalm 145:13
As we corporately make our annual journey toward the most important day on the Christian calendar we will explore and celebrate the reality of the verse above. April 17th marks the anniversary of Jesus’ greatest miracle and the world’s experience of the most transformative act of passion: Resurrection Sunday! Easter Morning! The day when we most appropriately proclaim that, He is Risen!
Until that day we explore the fruit of Jesus’ earthly teaching. While our ultimate prize is eternal life with Jesus in heaven, there are also many gifts He promises us here in this life as well. Each week we will embrace one of Jesus’ Gospel promises, and will discover exactly what He desires for us to do with it.
As we move into the Spring season I challenge you to join us, starting this week, in this 7 week journey toward our celebration of the greatest gift of all time! I am praying that God would lead each of you into a deeper relationship with Him; as you embrace His truth, comfort, conviction, and joy. Join with the Church Body as we corporately worship together. Be open to Gods promises and let Him guide your path!
In His Service,
Pastor Steve