Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Date of Birth: Gender: FemaleMale Address Street: City: State: Zip Code: Phone: Parent Name: (if under 18): Parent Phone: Emergency Contact: Emergency Contact Phone: TRAINING AND SKILLS INFORMATION Former Special Needs Skills / Training (please check all that apply) Fluent in American Sign Language (ASL)Special Education TeacherHealthcare ProfessionalOther If you check other, please describe: If you selected Healthcare Professional, please list your field or specialty: Do you have any other specialized training? (Please list and describe any specialized training) Preferred Service Team for the Night to Shine Event: BuddiesFood Services in EventFood Services in Respite RoomGuest Gift Bags/Coat CheckHair and Make UpMedical / EMTParkingPhotographyRed CarpetRegistrationSecuritySensory Room Secondary Service Team Option (Please select an alternate, you may need to be assigned to another team) Assign me to any role as neededBuddiesFood Services in EventFood Services in Respite RoomGuest Gift Bags/Coat CheckHair and Make UpMedical / EMTParkingPhotographyRed CarpetRegistrationSecuritySensory Room I understand that I will be required to submit to a background check. There are other volunteer opportunities before our event. Please consider joining an event preparation team at a volunteer training meeting. Clothing / Flowers / Prom Shop Encouragement Cards Gift Bags Gym Decorating Respite Room Decorating