Club 56 is a program designed to help with the transition from Children’s Ministries to Youth
Ministries and is a ministry designed to meet 5th and 6th graders where they are – challenging
them to trust in and depend on God more fully. Our hope is that they will learn how their
relationship with Christ affects everything about who they are and the life they live. Ministry
leaders strive to help the preteens in this group build and develop strong, faith-based
relationships with each other that will last a lifetime.
On a typical Sunday night Club 56ers have a chance to “hang out”, be involved in relevant
large group Bible Study with teaching & topics geared just for them, play crazy games and enjoy
a little dodgeball & gaga ball, consume yummy snacks, and be mentored by awesome volunteer
leaders that help students dig deeper into the lesson, connect with each other, and share
prayer requests.
To find out more about Club 56 please call/text Pastor Dave at 740-517-5189 or send questions
to Visit to view event photos
and stay connected with the upcoming Bible lesson series.
Club 56