Feb 10, 2021 - Feb 17, 2021
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
February 17 @ 6:30pm
Traditionally Ash Wednesday kicks off the season of lent by focusing on the Christian’s heart of repentance and prayer.
Next Wednesday night, CCWC will be facilitating an Ash Wednesday Service in the Worship Center. The nature of this event will be different from any other service we host. Participants can expect a solemn atmosphere, including a moment of consecration as congregants receive the ash cross on their foreheads.
This service will not be live-streamed due to the “hands-on” nature of this event. Furthermore, because there will be no livestream option for this service and because participants will be in close proximity during consecration, all in attendance will wear a mask through the event.
All are welcome to join in this service, be advised there will be no children’s ministry.